Month: September 1995

The Beauty Of Belonging

The words of King Solomon's bride, "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine" (Song 6:3), beautifully portray the security of a husband and wife who know they belong to each other. In a good marriage, this sense of belonging extends to the whole family. Parents speak of their children with love and pride. The children speak affectionately of their mother, their father, their brother, their sister.

How To Destroy An Enemy

Someone has said that the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend. This is consistent with Christ's command that we are to love those who hate us (Mt. 5:44).

The Way To Happiness

Pathways that seem to be marked This Way To Happiness are all over the landscape of our culture. Some people travel the money path. Others follow the way of entertainment. Still others head down the route of power or self-gratification.

Brown Bag Witness

Ivan was a brilliant engineer, highly respected by his co-workers. But sometimes they called him "Deacon" or "Parson" because he had a deep religious faith and he didn't hide it. Every day at lunch, for example, Ivan would bow his head over a little brown bag and thank God for his food.

Who Is The Foolish One?

Everyone in the community knew Carl. He was a farmer and family man whose dedication went beyond his own productive fields. He also was known for his greater dedication to what he called "God's harvest field."

You Can't Buy Jesus

Make a toll-free call and "Jesus can be yours." That's the guarantee in an advertisement for a 2-foot tall, machine-washable "Jesus doll." The doll wears a scarlet robe over a white tunic with a red heart emblazoned on it.

Take The Time

A legend is told about a rabbi from a small Jewish town. The people had gathered in the synagogue on the eve of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), but when the time came for the most important service of the Jewish year to begin, the rabbi was nowhere to be found.

The Cure For Resentment

We readily agree with the statement that "all men are created equal" and that we are endowed with certain "unalienable rights." But we can't live long without discovering that life doesn't treat everyone the same. This is a fact we must learn to accept without resentment.

Trust Him With Your Heart

Sportswriter Waddy Spoelstra and his wife Jean are both octogenarians who demonstrate each day the importance of a life of faith in Jesus Christ.